80 Acres |
Work Ranch
absinthe | agave
affordable tickets | credit card debt
all the losers who passed on going this year | all the people who fucking made it - isn't it already better?
and all that crap | opportunistic adult-media hacks
beer | Jager in icey cooler backpacks
Black Rock Desert | Pyramid Lake Indian Reservation
brain cells | nitrous oxide
Burning Man films | Burning Man reality TV shows
campaign to recall | campaign to recall
Center Camp | Walk-In Camping
Chap Stick | Carmex
clueless Newbies | Newbies who act like jaded Burning Man veterans
cover/tribute bands | original rock bands
Critical Tits | DPW parade
crystal meth | cocaine
cults | high society
cynicism | faith
depth | humor
devil horns | bullhorns
digeredoo | digeredon't
DJ superstars | playing Klezmer and dub
dogs | birds
dogs | robot dogs
Doubloons and passports | open access to the Man
Draka the Dragon | La Contessa
dropping E on Burn Night | going to the Burn sober
E | mushrooms, then sedatives
EL wire | fibre optic
EL-wire | Luminex (fiber optic fabric)
energy drinks | water
Esplanade | Outer Fence
everything | nothing
failure to appear | minimalism
feather boas | lam&eacut;
fire dancers who become porn stars | porn stars who become fire dancers
from your laptop | from your iPod
full moon | new moon
funk | country
Funkmobile | the Remnants of Funk
fur jackets | Black Rock City Neighborhoodies
gay sex at Jiffy Lube | hetero sex at Jiffy Lube
generators | power grids!
generators | solar and wind power
Girls Gone Wild | public executions of
giving a shit about 'Beyond Belief' | theme resentment
glow stick spinning | fire spinning
glowsticks | blinky anything
golf carts | scooters
Governor Davis | Burning Man
Greeters | Gate
happy clowns | evil clowns
heaven | hell
hoary discussions centering on the Middle East by people crashed out on bourgeois lawnchairs who secretly don't give a fuck | forming the new freak Freemason organization on the playa and taking the plan home with you
lame android music | ?
live webcast of the Burn | if you're not here, you miss out
medical marijuana | medical mushrooms
MTV at Burning Man | Travelocity Burn tours
pole dancers | Maypole dancing
porta-potty lines | Camp PeePot
puzzle parts | cardboard parts
R.A.V.E. Act | anti-R.A.V.E. Act activism
rave | trance
reggae | noise muzik/no wave
running a radio show | running a radio show
sarongs | Utilikilts
skipping this year | coming to Burning Man
sleeping in | sunrise yoga
slow-dancing | failure to appear
spectators | spectators with an attitude
Spock Science Monitor | NAMBLA's Porta-Letter
stars and stripes | peace on Earth
stealing art | lynching art thieves
stealing street signs | re-naming street signs
Sunday night | Monday morning
tattoos | scarification
techno | any music other than techno
techno DJs on the playa | rock bands on the playa
The Onion | Spock Science Monitor
the Commonwealth Club's Burning Man beaver girl | Squeaky Fromme
the moon | Mars
the previous common model of male playa identity: fire-spinning, understanding-and-appreciating-female energy, fuck-hungry Dave Matthews fans | The 2003 model of playa masculinity: caved-in, pasty, Jarvis Cocker-style male physiques, complete with hacking coughs and compressed sexual energy, waiting for you
theme camps | gay theme camps
theme camps | theme parks
tofu | salmon jerky
trash in the porta-potties | shit in the porta-potties
trust fund-funded camps, all rebar and tantrums | living out of your '82 Toyota, tent-free, or better still, living out of a complete stranger's '79 Nova, screwing in the dirt
Utilikilts | traditional kilts
Washoe County | Black Rock City
water bottles | hydration systems
"Welcome home!" | "We need to search your trailer."
"what's out/what's in" lists | embracing things that are "out" just to piss off those who really give a shit
yoga | Tai Chi |
- compiled by Eggchair Steve, Jason Fell, Scott Gibson, Snoh, Summer B., Lenny Jones, Malderor, Steve Fritz, the Rev. Blind Toaster, Skritch, Adrian Roberts, and PF