Top 10 Albums for the Playa 1999
by Malderor
1. Talk Talk ÷ Spirit of Eden. The best chill-out album ever.
2. Stone Roses ÷ The Complete Stone Roses. To start impromtu dances at the Gerlach
gas station.
3. Shriekback ÷ Sacred City. For sitting under the Man and watching Black Rock
City's lights.
4. Emmylou Harris ÷ Wrecking Ball. Beautifully sparse.
5. The Freestylers ÷ We Rock Hard. Guaranteed to get your party started.
6. Chemical Brothers ÷ Exit Planet Dust.
For the Boom.
7. Ennio Morricone ÷ Once Upon a Time in the West soundtrack. For the grandeur
8. New Model Army ÷ Thunder & Consolation. For the raging politics of
9. Simple Minds ÷ Live in the City of Light. Big music for a big space.
10. Dreamspy ÷ Assignment Earth. Tripped out surf-techno.